Our lives are one big story being written and read.
Our story is God’s story written by Him as the Author.
His story is always one of Creation, Rebellion, Redemption & Restoration.
Every people group have these elements within the story of their life. The questions become, do we see these elements and can we hear these elements in others lives as they share their lives with us?
The aim, as followers of Jesus, is to grow in greater Gospel fluency, so that our lives are ones of greater Jesus dependency.
One of the main ways this happens is through being able to understand the storyline of our lives and others. Put another way, how has the Divine intertwined with the ordinary?
First, over this week I encourage us to write out our story using the elements of Creation, Rebellion, Redemption & Restoration.
Creation: In how God made me and placed me in the family I was raised, what was that like?
Rebellion: How did I live in rebellion (sin, trespass, iniquities) against God?
Redemption: When did I come to saving faith in Jesus Christ & what was that like?
Restoration: What is the final hope I live for, from and to?
Secondly, over the next week and beyond, I encourage us to listen more intentionally to one another’s stories.
Not just stories of conversion to faith in Christ, but everyday stories of life.
Let’s not just hear, but listen intently through the filter of Creation, Rebellion, Redemption & Restoration, so that we can encourage in Gospel Fluency unto greater Jesus dependency!
Here are some questions to be asking as we are listening:
Creation: who/what is getting credit for who you are?
Rebellion: why are things not the way they should be and who is responsible for it?
Redemption: who/what will rescue me from the brokenness?
Restoration: what will the world look like when it is as it should be and what will this worlds focus be?
Our lives are God’s story written out on the pages of our ordinary, everyday life.
He’s moving us back to Himself by way of redemption from rebellion to complete restoration.
Do we see this pattern?
Do we listen for it in one another?
Are we willing to help apply the Gospel more fluently in one another thru story?
Let’s press in and be Story of God people!
For further study click How to Share Your Story below.
138 North Washington Street, Carpentersville, Illinois 60110, United States
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