What a story

RT Maldaner • 16 August 2021

The Story Formed Way Part 1

What a Story! 

Do you know the Bible is God’s story?

Do you know it has four parts? 

Creation, Rebellion, Redemption and Restoration. 

What if we began to read the Bible from the filter of His Story formed way? 

What if we saw our story through the same filter? 

How awesome it is to know that God loved to create all US to bear His image, reflect Him and enjoy Him in all we do. What a glorious purpose.

Yet, rebellion entered the world through our first parents, Adam & Eve because Rebellion in the heavens occurred via Lucifer, Satan & known in Genesis 3 as the serpent.

We are all now born fractured by this rebellion and live from it.

We now seek to promote our image, reflect and enjoy ourselves in whatever we feel.

We now stand separated from God by our rebellion, in need of Redemption.

Instead of God leaving us to ourselves, He promised in Genesis 3 that He would bring from the seed of a woman One who’d crush the head of the serpent. Over history we have seen many who were types of redeemers, but none who could redeem towards restoration.

But God planned in advance that He would come in the person of Jesus Christ to live perfectly obedient to all demands of the Father; die a perfect death satisfying the demands of pure justice for rebellion; resurrect from the dead defeating sin, it’s power, satan & death itself; ascend to the right hand of His Father; send His Spirit to restore what rebellion in sin had fractured.

He invited all who hear this GOOD NEWS, the Gospel, to believe and become His Children. This would set the stage for the redeemed process of restoring and making all things new on earth as it is in heaven.

Now we have Hope in this process that one day soon He will come as the Prince of Heaven on His warrior horse to put to death in the lake of fire the Dragon Devil and death itself.

All of this to usher in the perfect place where God dwells with His people and they with Him-the New Heavens & Earth. This being the fullness of restoration!

Do you know this story? God’s story of the Bible.

Creation, Rebellion, Redemption & Restoration ALL for the glory of God in Christ and our everlasting joy in Him.



I encourage you to rehearse this story. Learn more about the Story Formed Way of God through the Bible by checking out the resources at the link below. 


In our next post in this category we will look at how OUR STORY follows the same pattern and how we can simply share it

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